1. 工作要求多种多样.
伊恩: 景观 is a very broad area these days, 和 many l和scapers are very diverse in their jobs. So, their range of services could include complete design 和 construction of a yard space, 商业物业景观美化, 沿着公路种树, 或者在公园里修建人行道. 任务包括软景观-表土, 草皮, 覆盖物, 花, 树, 和硬景观-连锁砖铺装, 院子里的石头, firepit领域, 池塘, 甲板和栅栏. 他们会做整个音域.
为了满足这一需求, l和scapers need machines that can do many different things. 一个典型的例子是紧凑型履带式装载机. It’s small enough to fit into any job situation, 和 the amount of attachments you can get for it is virtually limitless. 紧凑型挖掘机也是如此. You can get attachments for lifting 和 setting large boulders, 你可以买扫帚附件, you can get tampers – anything you can imagine to help them do these jobs.
我们非常积极地支持这一点. If we sell a machine with a package of attachments, each attachment gets installed 和 tested before it leaves to ensure everything functions properly. We also provide technical guidance to help our l和scaping customers select their attachments.